Saturday, May 9, 2009

Star Trek or Xmen? How do I decide?

Well, the release of the new Star Trek movie and X-Men: Wolverine are both in theatres this weekend. For us Geeks, which do you decide to go see? Luckily for me, I am taking Nicholas with me and Xmen is rated PG-13 so for me it is an easy decision. Star Trek it is! 

A few weeks ago I took my daughters and Nicholas to see the traveling Star Trek exhibit at the Detroit Science Center and ever since then Nicholas has been hooked. He can't wait to see Star Trek. This should be an excellent movie. 

But what about the person who doesn't have a child to help make our decision? How would you pick? Both movies come from an excellent media series. X-men from a very successful comic book series and Start Trek from probably the best Science fiction series EVER! I simpathize with the person who has to decide between the two.

I am posting links to their trailers to help you make your decision:


Star Trek

Enjoy whichever movie you decide. My suggestion is to see them both. Don't tell, but I think I am going to try to sneak off to see both!

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